Requisiti di accesso, obiettivi e sbocchi


Optional titles (to choose from following)
  • [TSS] -
  • [TS] -


Access to further study.

The qualification gives access to master's degree courses and first level university master's courses.

Obiettivi formativi specifici.

Graduates will:
• have a sufficient base knowledge of biology, chemistry, and mathematics to provide for specific and ongoing professional training;
• acquire research methods needed to solve manifold problems that may arise in their profession;
• acquire laboratory/farm skills needed to work in the sector;
• have knowledge of general animal pathology, animal epidemiology, infectious parasitical animal diseases, prophylaxis, national and European health laws, animal husbandry, animal health, the safety and quality of food of animal origin, and the environmental impact of livestock breeding and processing;
• be able to work on the technical, hygienic and economic aspects of animal production systems concerning such enterprises as livestock breeding, hunting and fish-farming, as well as enterprises supplying technical means and services in the production and marketing of animals and pet breeding and the population control of wild animals;
• understand the issues and principles regarding the profession and related norms and ethical issues;
• be able to speak and write about the field and communicate general information in two EU languages (in addition to Italian);
• be able to use instruments for the communication and management of information;
• be able to work individually and in groups and adapt to diverse work environments.

Title conferred.


Language(s) of instruction/examination.